Street artist, visual artist, illustrator and author, Le Sonneur (more on Wikipedia) is a Paris-based artist. Since 2015, his drawings, video installations and sculptures are exhibited in Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, Melbourne and Dubai. His works have been auctioned since 2017. Co-author of the illustrated novel « Et Mon Coeur Se Serra » (Flammarion, France, 2021) and « Red is My Heart » (Gallic Books, USA and UK, 2022), Le Sonneur is also the author of the graphic novel « Le Poisson de Monsieur Carassin » (2021)

Le Sonneur presents his first NFT Artworks « Monsieur Carassin’s World » from the universe of his new book « Le Poisson de Monsieur Carassin ».

« Le Poisson de Monsieur Carassin » is an adventure story, strange and poetic, where the characters go in search of themselves, and where, perhaps, they will be one… It’s a surrealist story with all the paces of fairy tale, for dreamers, young and old…

The first NFT Collection of Monsieur Carassin’s World is titled « Fish Heads ». It consists of portraits of the 16 main characters of the original graphic novel. Each has been drawn by hand by LE SONNEUR and exists as a single and unique NFT.

Discover « Monsieur Carassin’s World » NFTs on